This is Why Past-Centric 'What-Ifs' Should Be Banned!

April 25, 2024

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Today, let's dive into a thought that struck me this morning and felt too good not to share: the notion that all 'what-ifs' centered on the past should be deemed illegal.

Now, I know what you might be thinking—illegal? That's a bit extreme, isn't it? But hear me out.

When we find ourselves entangled in the web of past "what-ifs," our minds have this funny way of concocting elaborate stories, typically with a positive spin. We start envisioning these alternate realities where everything magically falls into place if only we'd made different choices. But let this be your reminder—reality doesn't work that way and surely doesn't operate on the basis of could-haves and should-haves.

By fixating on these rose-tinted "what-ifs," we're essentially subjecting ourselves to a form of self-inflicted torture, replaying scenarios that never unfolded instead of accepting what actually transpired. It's like trying to win an argument with a piece of wood—pointless and exhausting! 

So, instead of sweating over past "what-ifs,” let's spice things up and create some exciting "what-nows"! 

I challenge you to take some time to brainstorm fun ideas, wild adventures, or even just small, spontaneous acts that can add a little zest to your life. It could be as simple as trying a new food, taking a spontaneous road trip, or starting a quirky project. The key is to inject some excitement into the present moment whenever you catch yourself dwelling over the past.

Let me share a very simple personal example as well, because I can't emphasize enough – I keep on learning as well. I caught myself dwelling over the thought, "What if I hadn't paused doing photography for so long? I built up such a nice portfolio and community back in the day, and maybe if I hadn't let that slip, I would've... Bla bla bla..." I've turned this into a "what-now" moment and decided early this month to make photography a bigger part of my day-to-day again (I've kicked off a 5x28 challenge on Instagram too) and simply enjoy the art form again. And now, about two weeks in, I feel much more excitement than if I had stayed in the 'dwelling mode'.

What’s going to be your “what-now”? 🙏

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