Reconnect with Play: The Key to Unlocking Artistic Brilliance
September 25, 2023
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In a world where many say that productivity is king, it's easy to get stuck in a never-ending loop of deadlines, schedules, and routines. The pressure to keep improving can feel like you're doing time in creativity jail, leaving you daydreaming about the good ol' days when you could play without a care in the world. But guess what? All the fancy creativity stuff comes from play! So, let's break out of this rigid learning prison and rediscover the magic of goofing around.
From an early age, we are encouraged to learn by rote, memorizing facts and figures, and following a predefined path. Creativity often takes a back seat as we navigate the structured educational system. If we are asked to be creative, we are taught to believe that the process is difficult, that it requires immense effort, and that mistakes are to be avoided at all costs. We forget how much fun it used to be when we could play with ideas without the weight of judgment bearing down on us.
Despite the scientific evidence of play's benefits for all ages, we still tend to think of play as something reserved primarily for children. Yet, play is just as vital for adults as it is for kids.
Play sparks our energy and liveliness. It eases our burdens, renews our natural sense of optimism, and opens us up to new possibilities.
Play is what adds flavor to everything. We're wired for it, and it shapes who we are. So when we tap into our playful side, we're tapping into our true selves. And trust me, that's when we really feel like we’re thriving.
So, how can we reintroduce the spirit of play into our creative pursuits, all while maintaining the responsibilities of 'adulthood'? Here are some considered suggestions:
1. Rekindle Curiosity
Nurture your curiosity about the world. Pose questions, seek answers, and allow your mind to wander. Curiosity serves as the first step toward unlocking dormant creativity.
2. Courageous Experimentation
Cultivate the ability to embrace mistakes. Know that experimentation is the essence of play. It is through trial and error that we uncover novel possibilities and refine our abilities.
3. Collaborative Play
Engage in collaborative efforts with individuals who share your creative passions. Interacting with like-minded peers can ignite fresh perspectives, fostering a more enjoyable creative process.
4. Champion Imperfections
Accept that perfection is an unattainable mirage. Embrace the idiosyncrasies in your work as facets of its distinct charm. Often, imperfections serve as the catalysts for unanticipated breakthroughs.
5. Scheduled Playtime
Carve out dedicated slots within your day or week for unstructured, creative play. Whether it's sketching, brainstorming, or daydreaming, make room for spontaneity. The great thing is, there are many simple ways to incorporate more playfulness into your daily life, and pretty much any moment in life can be made playful. It doesn’t need to be time-consuming or costly, especially as we think of playfulness as a state of mind rather than an individual activity.
Remember, creativity thrives when you let loose, make mistakes, and have fun without judging yourself. So, go ahead, break free from the chains of seriousness, and let your inner child lead the way to artistic awesomeness. Your inner artist is waiting to be (re)discovered through the sheer joy of play.
Much love,
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