Learn How to Avoid Shiny Object Syndrome as a Creative Entrepreneur

October 6, 2024

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Starting and growing a creative business is an exciting journey. There’s so much possibility, so many ideas to explore, and a million things you could be doing at any given moment. But all that excitement can also lead to a distracting challenge known as Shiny Object Syndrome (SOS) ✨. While shiny objects might seem like the next big thing or something more fun and appealing, they can actually pull you away from what truly matters.

So today, let’s talk about how to avoid getting pulled in by the latest trends, tools, or 'magic bullets' that promise quick success or simply seem more exciting in the heat of the moment.

What Exactly Is Shiny Object Syndrome?

Shiny Object Syndrome is when you’re constantly distracted by new, exciting ideas and opportunities. It’s that moment when you think, “Ooh, this new thing would be perfect or might even fix all my problems!”—only to ditch what you were already working on. The name comes from the idea that our brains are like kids in a candy store, hopping from one sugary treat to another, never quite settling on one long enough to truly enjoy it.

For creative entrepreneurs, this is a common pitfall (trust me, I know all about it 🤭). We’re always buzzing with new ideas, but sometimes that leads to hopping from one project to another without actually finishing anything.

Imagine a marketing agency that has crafted a sleek, cohesive brand for a client, just ready to launch. Then, bam! A hot new design trend pops up with bold colors and funky shapes. Suddenly, the agency throws their original plan out the window, chasing that shiny new idea. Now, instead of a strong brand, they’ve created a confused mess that leaves customers scratching their heads.

Or think of a freelance artist brimming with ideas for merch. They start sketching T-shirt designs, but then a lightbulb goes off about creating greeting cards. Off they go into that next venture! Each time, they create something beautiful but never take the time to set up an online shop. Their living room becomes a treasure trove of fantastic products that no one has ever seen because they never get around to selling!

Sound familiar? Maybe it’s bouncing between different business ideas, diving into every online course that promises to skyrocket your success, or trying out a dozen different tools. All of it can make your brain spin, and before you know it, you’re drowning in half-finished projects.

Why is This a Problem?

The biggest issue with SOS? It’s a sneaky time and energy thief. You’re pulling focus away from the main goal—your core business—and pouring energy into distractions. 

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of something new, especially when progress on your main project feels slow or frustrating. It might even feel like self-sabotage at times, using new ideas as an excuse to avoid the tough parts of growing your business.

And here’s the kicker: there will always be something new. As soon as you start chasing one shiny object, another one pops up, and it’s a never-ending cycle. You’ll end up spinning your wheels, constantly distracted, but never really moving forward.

Are You Dealing with SOS?

Here are a few signs:

  • You start a lot of things, but rarely finish them.
  • Your goals keep shifting (and not in a good way).
  • You’re always getting distracted by new ideas or tools.
  • You spend more time scrolling and comparing yourself to others than working on your actual business.
  • You wait for motivation to strike before you get stuff done.

If any of that sounds familiar, don’t worry. There’s hope!

How to Avoid Shiny Object Syndrome

1. Admit It, Then Refocus

The first step is simple: recognize when you’re falling into the SOS trap. It doesn’t mean you’re failing. It just means you’re human! When a shiny new idea grabs your attention, take a moment to think about what you’re already working on. Is this new thing REALLY going to be better than what you’ve started? Or is it just distracting you from the good stuff you’ve already got in motion?

2. Think Like a CEO

As a creative entrepreneur, you wear many hats—but thinking like a CEO means learning to prioritize high-impact tasks. Ask yourself, "Is this new shiny thing really going to move the needle for my business?" Generally, successful CEOs don’t chase after every trend—they focus on high-impact tasks that drive growth.

3. Limit Media Consumption

We live in an age of constant bombardment. Social media, newsletters, ads—they’re all designed to pull your attention in a million directions. And let’s be real: it’s hard to stay focused when everyone’s shouting about the "next big thing." Try going on a media diet for a bit. Unsubscribe, log out, and give yourself some space to focus on YOUR goals without all that extra noise.

4. Be Real About Trade-Offs

Every time you chase a new idea, you’re sacrificing something—whether it’s time, energy, or focus. Ask yourself: is this new opportunity worth sacrificing your sleep, ongoing projects, gym time, or family dinners? Most of the time, the answer is probably no. Before you dive into something new, take a moment to assess what you’re giving up and if it’s truly worth it.

Also, check in with your core goals. Does this new idea align with your vision and the direction you’re heading? If it enhances your path, it could be worth exploring. But if it distracts you from what you’ve already committed to, it’s likely best to let it go. By ensuring that new opportunities fit with your goals, you’ll keep your focus sharp and your momentum strong.

5. Balance Short-Term Wins with Long-Term Goals

SOS hits us hard because we all want those quick wins. When success drags on longer than we hoped, it’s easy to get impatient and start chasing the next shiny idea. Here’s a thought: instead of just thinking about those big, long-term goals, break them down into smaller, monthly milestones. That way, you can celebrate those little wins while still keeping your eye on the bigger picture.

6. Find a Coach or Community

If you’re struggling to stay focused, find people who can help. A (business) coach can give you tailored advice and keep you accountable. Or, join a community of like-minded people that can keep each other accountable. Having a group that understands what you’re going through can be a game changer. You’ll share experiences, keep each other on track, and learn to resist the pull of shiny new distractions.

The Foundation and its community, for example, is perfect for anyone looking to add more playfulness, creativity, and excitement to their daily routine—without the need for a major life overhaul like changing jobs or relationships.

Final Thoughts 💭

Shiny object syndrome probably isn’t going anywhere. There will always be something new to distract you. 

But here’s the good news—it does get easier to resist as you go. You’ll get better at spotting the distractions and staying focused on what really matters. 

The key is to strike that sweet balance between staying focused on your core business and staying open to new possibilities—without letting every new idea derail your progress.

By staying focused on what truly matters and maintaining a clear vision of your goals, you’ll be able to navigate your entrepreneurial journey without falling prey to SOS. 

Stay the course, trust your process, and remember that success comes from persistence and dedication, not chasing after every shiny object that comes your way.

Till the next one,
